캐나다 여행| 벤쿠버 아일랜드 빅토리아! Victoria & Vancouver Island Tour, Canada

Hello, everyone, I recalled the trip to Vancouver Island in Canada. I visited my friends there before going to Alaska and stayed with my family for ten days. Let’s checkt it out what I did there!

There are some information in the video I need to correct:
1. The crabs my friend Gunter caught are called Dungenese Crabs which live in Alaska and are three times bigger than a nomal crab.
2. The prawns Gunter cooked for Pasta sauce are BC prawns.
3. Gunter dose not repair things with discarded tools. Actually he is a professional Marine Electronics Installer and Repairer! Until the end of the last year he ran a business – MES, Marine Electric Sooke. He installed and repaired Marine Electric and Electronic Equipment on private and commercial boats. And sometimes he helps his friends with their boats. In return his friends take him out fishing, whenever he has time. He is now fully retired, but he still fixes anything that comes his way and helps his friends in need.
