Where To Meet Asian Women In Vancouver?

It would not be difficult to find an Asian in Canada with over 3 million of them calling Canada their home. There is a wide range of Asian-Canadians in Vancouver. If you are searching for Asians in general you might end up being confused and maybe misdirected a lot of times. It is best that you narrow down your search to specific races because there are a lot of them to choose from. In addition, you should be able to do some specific research on the cultures and traditions of the type of Asians you want to meet. This will make a very easy transition on engaging with them and it will certainly give you something to talk about just in case you get into a lengthy conversation with an Asian woman.

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If you want to engage with Chinese women you may want to go around Chinatown in East Vancouver. This is also where a great wave of Vietnamese, Indonesians and Filipinos start out and establish their businesses. The City of Richmond has since been pouring with Asians who want to move in to other places. There are also a lot of Asian businesses in Kingsway Street with restaurants, beauty shops and cafes. The City of Surrey and Abbotsford are also home to a lot of Asians who want to start afresh in a foreign land. The former consists of South Asians close to 30% of the total city population, followed by the Chinese, Filipino, Southeast Asian, Koreans, Japanese and West Asians. For the latter the largest racial group next to European Caucasians are the Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis.

The beach is also a great way to meet Asians. Asians love the beach because it mostly reminds them of their homeland where the humid climate and the time spent with the whole family is where it usually happens.  Another great spot are the Asian restaurants that are almost literally littered all over the place. Asians spend most of their time with friends and families eating in restaurants that tickle their Asian taste buds. Asian cuisines are the best reminder of home and maybe dining in one of them will get increase your chances of meeting an Asian woman. Of course, your timing must always be right otherwise you will end up being branded as an arrogant and assuming. Mind you, word does spread like wildfire in Asian communities and you will have just dissed your opportunities with the rest of the Asian female population.


Aside from the places there are also certain events and celebrations that you might want to attend to. This will increase the probability of you engaging with an Asian. Asians have yearly celebrations and they gather in certain areas in Canada to get together and socialize. It strengthens the bond between countrymen who lives far apart and creates the sense of belongingness in a foreign land. The Chinese New Year’s Parade at Main and Pender Streets in East Vancouver on late July or in early February can surely spice up your interests in Chinese women.      

Do you want to meet Asian women (like Filipino girls, Thai girls, Japanese girls, etc.) and marry the Asian girl of your dreams? Sign up free now at: http://www.asian-dating-singles.com and find that special someone you are looking for!

Source by Anna Santos