How To Practise Golf Like A TOUR PRO | ME AND MY GOLF

How To Practise Golf Like A TOUR PRO – In this weeks video by Me And My Golf we talk with the creator of the new golf app “Random Golf”. This app was created to help amateurs practise at a much higher level and visualise an actual golf hole when they practise golf. This is something the Tour Pro’s would always do when they practise golf and something amateur golfers really need to start doing when they get to the range.

Access the Random Practise app here🏌️‍♂️⛳️

Find Random Golf Practise Instagram here👉

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What We Recommend Next🤔👇
One Tip That Will Change Your Chipping FOREVER! –

How To Play Golf THE BASICS –

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Vancouver Sightseeing with Manon and DearMamaSal

I know Manon missed out on some Vancouver sightseeing so we packed in as much as we could before she went home. Vlogger who talks about love, life and other problems. Experiments with food, gizmos and life!

Sean & Benji’s book: “YouTube Secrets”

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Reminder about our annual balance survey, feedback on our Friday broadcast and the problems with saying sorry. Balance Survey:

Broadcasts three times a week for live questions and feedback. Check out our special page:


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Sal & “Hal” (my Halogon Oven):

Handy Hints/Tips of the Day:

3 most asked questions:

Fun cooking:

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Dreamy Boho Home Tour • Vancouver

▸ Most of the stuff in my house is thrifted—the process of finding things while out and about is one of the things that keeps me motivated to rethink spaces and improve them. That being said, I do love solid pieces that will last a long time, so some stuff, like our beds and couches etc., didn’t come from Goodwill. We’ve moved several times since our kids were born and in some of the first houses I tried to “pick a style” but I found that I just could not! I enjoy too many elements drawn from too many places, and my house is a reflection of that. Of all the things I aspire for it to be, cozy is up there on the list; so lots of layers of texture and color make me feel like I want to hole up and chill for a while. The “inside outside” windows… in the stairway and entryway I had old leaded glass windows framed into the walls, so light really passes through but there’s some separation of space. We knocked down all but one of the interior walls on the main floor, and when the time in construction came to put walls back up, I was paranoid that it would start to feel like its original “boxed in” self, which was a rat maze of apartment units. It was one of those things that had contractors scratching their heads at me, but when they saw my vision near the end they realized it’s actually pretty cool and does exactly what I hoped it would!


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