【カナダ】Walking tour 2021 / The Shipyards and Lonsdale Quay in North Vancouver ノースバンクーバーのロンズデールキー

Walking tour 2021 / The Shipyards and Lonsdale Quay in North Vancouver ノースバンクーバーのシップヤードとロンズデールキー

2:00 The Shipyards
15:00 Lonsdale Quay Market – Outside
18:50 Lonsdale Quay Market – Inside
23:45 Lonsdale Quay Station – SeaBus

撮影 散歩
North Vancouver Canada 編
2021 5月 
ノースバンクーバー カナダ


Fresh Street Market West Vancouver – Opening Week Tour

West Vancouver may have a reputation for being stylish and serene, but an exciting new food revolution is afoot with the arrival of some trendy new gourmet food outlets which are betting that this wealthy waterfront community might just be in the mood for a change.

Last week marked the arrival of the newest player to the fashionable foodie game with the opening of Fresh St. Market. Owned and operated by HY Louie, proprietors of London Air, London Drugs and IGA, this new venture represents a dramatic departure from the norm, especially for West Vancouver.

Built on the site of the old Safeway store at 1650 Marine Drive, the building was originally going to be redeveloped into a proposed mixed-use condo and commercial project.

Among the offerings are imported New York cheesecake, designer chocolates, fresh handmade sushi, ocean wise seafood, lobster, crab and top grade steaks and meats. Watch the video for even more hidden goodies and be sure to go and visit soon.
