P!nk – Walk Me Home (Beautiful Trauma World Tour, Vancouver)

#P!nk #BeautifulTrauma #Hurts2BHuman

Sooo…because I have so much footage from the back to back P!nk concerts, (about 4 hours of P!nk and 45 minutes or so of Julia Michaels,) I have decided to forget about trying to do anything in any order and just deal with the songs/footage that turned out the best. I haven’t decided if I will only put out any given song from one of the two nights, or do both, (provided they each turned out ok.) I thought about trying to combine footage from both, (or all 3 nights if she was wearing the same costume as last year,) and I might still try to do that eventually, but that will take more time and work than I can dedicate to it right now, plus there were some unique moments that happened on the separate nights.

This video of the song helps show just how much she truly does enjoy connecting with her fans, as she changed up her routine mid-song to come off the stage and hug a few fans in the audience. There were many times both nights where you could really feel the joy and love she had for everyone in attendance, but this really was a special moment. I was just lucky enough to be right there to witness it all first-hand!

This is P!nk performing her new song ‘Walk Me Home’ from the upcoming album “Hurts 2B Human” releasing on April 26th live at Rogers Arena, Vancouver, BC on April 5th, 2019, during the Beautiful Trauma World Tour.


(All my concert footage I personally recorded and am only uploading to promote the artists in question. I am not doing it for monetary gain and claim no copyright on the content of the recordings. If you own the rights to the media used in the video and have a problem with it being uploaded on my channel, please contact me through YouTube, E-Mail, or Twitter.)
