Cannabis tourism looks to flourish but regulations may be holding it back

With recreational cannabis now legal in Canada, the tourism industry sees an opportunity. It’s looking to build a new market for pot-curious visitors, everything from weed-and-wine tours, to smoke-friendly accommodations. Advocates say it could be very profitable industry here, but they face lots of challenges along the way.

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Help Care-Needing Individual by Availing Profitable and Noble Spa Business Opportunity in Vancouver

Life blossoms changes its colors with different stages and eventually takes everything away from us. We can’t ignore the inevitable fact that our life is made of different stages which we could either cherish or sulk on about. Just like every mortal thing on this planet our body also goes through different stages, from young and carefree to sluggish and care needing. Every person goes through these stages to reach a level of maturity and our beloveds would need to help with sustainment in these later stages. An independent person might not wish to take help from family or someone else in the elder age and hence various companies are building sophisticated solutions to enhance day-to-day comfort.

We know that the bodies of senior and special citizens are fragile and little injuries could cause fatal damages, minor fractures could take a lot of time to heal. Such fatal injuries aren’t just caused outside but these are highly susceptible inside the safe zone of our home. Risky places like washrooms and wet kitchen floors are known to cause maximum damage when compared to road accidents. Safe and caregiving bathing solutions are thus highly required for senior citizens and handicaps. The Safe spa is a Caregiving Bathing Solutions Company that has launched Hafi program for low income seniors; this program basically provides financial assistance to senior citizens and handicaps. The company believes that no care needing individual should be deprived of it because of lack of money. The financial assistance program is funded by Government of Canada, supporting the needs of senior and special citizens in British Columbia region. 

Two basic caregiving solutions for senior citizens and handicaps provided by Safe spa are –

  • Walk-in bathtubs
  • Barrier free shower spaces

Walk-in bathtub facilitates all these things –

  • Safe bathing
  • Slip resistant
  • Walk-in bathtub door
  • Satisfies American quality standards
  • Zero leakage
  • Lifetime warranty

All components and equipment of Safe spa devices are built on American quality parameters and all the electric components are UL, CUL, and ETL standard approved. Also, the pricing is extremely affordable compared to other walk-in tub manufacturers; you could almost get the same quality and features at about one-third of the price.

People wishing to contribute to this caregiving initiative while availing a successful business opportunity in Vancouver Canada could associate with Safe Spa. The company associates with leading dealers, sales organizations, and renovation contractors spread the caregiving initiative throughout the country. Spa business opportunity Vancouver lets you invest in most positive and uplifting cause, with just a little investment you could get a lifetime business opportunity. You would avail a starter kit that would consist of various products and catalogs needed for selling and installation. The company takes no franchise fees from the associated members and the overall cost of investment could be recovered from the starter kit itself.

Source by safespawalkin