Auto Dealerships – The Sales Dept Sells the First Car, Service the Rest
In the automotive and automobile industry it’s a well-known fact that sales, the salespeople and sales department sells the product – the car, truck or sports utility crossover vehicle. Yet its the service and the service department that sell not only the rest, but every other additional car and product which that buyer – as well as their friends and family – buy at that dealership.
All said and done, good service as well as professionalism from the staff at any auto dealer or set of dealerships will ensure that a buyer or auto buyers will come back yet again and return for more purchases of said vehicles. This can be for their service needs or at that point in time when that vehicle, which they initially purchased, needs to be replaced or upgraded. Remember as well that sometimes this is a gradual and planned process. Yet in other cases and situations said replacement may be the result of a mechanical failure necessitating the costs of large repairs or perhaps an automotive collision, which is of course unplanned. Regardless in those two above cases that previous auto buyer is back again yet again in the market for a reliable replacement vehicle. You want your dealership to be top of mind – foremost in that customer or their family’s mindset. It’s a matter of having of done your work along the way with good and consistent service support levels. It’s not a case of simply running a newspaper ad, or even creating a Facebook page. Real customer loyalty is earned over time and consistent effort. Sure there are those that will tell you that most customers have little loyalty in 2012 and that its all a matter of that for most customers the dollar is their only friend and vital consideration. Two points here. First of all for those fickle customers who grind you down? You should not base your business and its foundations on those customers.
They are fickle and will leave you in a moment. You can view them as bonuses add on not the foundation of your dealership’s cash flow and profit. Secondly real customer loyalty is earned over time and effort. There are no short cuts. It as simple as that.
Your staffs have to be taught that they are providing a real service not a come-on. If a customer has their car serviced – that vehicle should be inspected. Tires are bald – advise the customer. Wiper blades are worn – have them point this out to customer honestly as a service. Otherwise your dealership and staff are not doing their job – neither for the customer who comes for proper service and maintenance in order to have a reliable and safe form of transportation. Next in line is that by not providing these extra services level your service techs are robbing your dealership of not only sales and resultant profits but also the creation and maintenance of the fine reputation of your auto dealership and its service department.
After the entire first car is sold by the sales department of a dealership. The rest are sold by interactions with your organization first and foremost your service department. Loyalty is earned honestly with hard work, honesty and virtue over time.
There are no shortcuts to success or dealerships auto sales figures as well as bottom line profits.