Three Ways to Travel Without Traveling

What do you love most about travel? I love the feeling of freedom from my day-to-day routine, freedom from pressures, and mostly freedom from stress! Plus, the adventure of seeing new sights, meeting new people, and immersing myself in another culture.

So how do you get that without actually traveling? My favorite way is to read a great book. It can be an old favorite, or a new adventure, but it has to pull me right in and keep me there so snuggly that I can’t even think about anything else! My whole body says, “Aaahh.” Then I get excited about what’s going to happen next. The atmosphere and adventure of another time and place can work its magic to make me feel I’ve left my own home and flown off to some great new experience.

My most recent favorite book for that type of “travel without travel” is Adventures of a World-Traveling Scientist by Stanley Randolf. Imagine discovering secrets of unusual cultures, weird animal species, new perspectives (like “following your Soul Voice”), and scary moments just around the corner! From China to Rarotonga, I felt very-well-traveled, like an aristocrat from earlier lore.

Then there is foreign film with subtitles in your first language. You may find yourself thinking differently about life after watching something that takes place in another land. But I still prefer the books!

Another way to travel without traveling is through finding new cultures right at home! Or nearby, if you can get to a larger city. Most towns have at least one ethnic restaurant that will not only serve new-to-you food, but will delight you with a unique atmosphere or artwork and music, and possibly even entertainment native to the owner’s original culture.

Still, books are the best to me, because I don’t have to eat the unfamiliar cuisine if it sounds really awful, but I can pretend I’m still open to it. And with a good imagination, books can make you fly away to lands unknown with a joyful freedom of heart and soul!

Imagine yourself where you want to be. The beach in Hawaii? The Taj Majal? The Great Pyramids in Egypt? No matter where you long to go, if you read about it, you will have a greater feeling of being there than with video, though that may help. Simply think about not just how it would look to you, but how it would smell, sound, feel emotionally, and even feel physically when your feet hit the sand, or your hand touches a very old stone. It can become very real and truly turn into a “mini-vacation.”

Source by Debbie A. Johnson

Benefits of Airport Transfers When Traveling

When traveling outside the country or even domestically, either as business trip or for leisure purposes, everyone for sure, would want to have a comfortable trip from the beginning up to the end. Well, who would want to have a messy trip with lots of delays and discomforts anyway? And in order to assure an enjoyable trip, one must take plans from the start as to how to travel from the airport to the set destinations. With this, airport transfer would be recommended.

Airport transfers are truly one of the convenient ways of transporting from the airport to your destination and vice versa. It is in fact a cozy and practical means of transporting while on a trip. You can have a taxi or a minicab to bring you from the airport to your desired destination. These vehicles must be pre-booked of prepared before you arrived at the airport of your chosen destination. Now, to know more about how this works given are the benefits of airport transfers:

Availability of transport

Since airport transfers were prepared beforehand, travelers can be secured that there will be an on hand transport waiting at the airport to bring you to your desired place. This will allow you to conserve time since you will no longer need to look and wait for a potential riding vehicle. It will also be an advantage especially when traveling to places wherein you are not so familiar with the language being used, thus making it hard for you to communicate for possible transport.

Get rid of the scene of getting lost

When travelling to places which are new to you, having an airport transfer would avoid you from being mislaid off from reaching the wrong destination. This is because the service providers of airport transfers have been already familiar to possibly all most beautiful places in the place that you would want to visit. This can guarantee you to feel at ease while travelling since you are assured that you will be in the proper destination.

Allows you to save money

Airport transfers will also allow you to save some money since most of the time the costs are likely included in the rate of travel. But if not included, you can also somehow save money because of the discount and low rates which are being offered when you book before your trip. This will also eliminate the risk of having an overpriced transport.

Allows you to enjoy your time

You will no longer have to bother about whether you will be late for another trip or destination or when to get back to the airport for airport transfer includes sending you off and picking you up just in time. With this, you can be free of worry on time and will no longer have to look at your watch for like every minute.

With the rationale stated, it is truly wise to have an airport transfer, either through tax or minicab, when going on a trip. Isn’t it nice that there will already be a transport welcoming you at the airport?

Source by Julius Daviz Galvez