Three Ways to Travel Without Traveling

What do you love most about travel? I love the feeling of freedom from my day-to-day routine, freedom from pressures, and mostly freedom from stress! Plus, the adventure of seeing new sights, meeting new people, and immersing myself in another culture.

So how do you get that without actually traveling? My favorite way is to read a great book. It can be an old favorite, or a new adventure, but it has to pull me right in and keep me there so snuggly that I can’t even think about anything else! My whole body says, “Aaahh.” Then I get excited about what’s going to happen next. The atmosphere and adventure of another time and place can work its magic to make me feel I’ve left my own home and flown off to some great new experience.

My most recent favorite book for that type of “travel without travel” is Adventures of a World-Traveling Scientist by Stanley Randolf. Imagine discovering secrets of unusual cultures, weird animal species, new perspectives (like “following your Soul Voice”), and scary moments just around the corner! From China to Rarotonga, I felt very-well-traveled, like an aristocrat from earlier lore.

Then there is foreign film with subtitles in your first language. You may find yourself thinking differently about life after watching something that takes place in another land. But I still prefer the books!

Another way to travel without traveling is through finding new cultures right at home! Or nearby, if you can get to a larger city. Most towns have at least one ethnic restaurant that will not only serve new-to-you food, but will delight you with a unique atmosphere or artwork and music, and possibly even entertainment native to the owner’s original culture.

Still, books are the best to me, because I don’t have to eat the unfamiliar cuisine if it sounds really awful, but I can pretend I’m still open to it. And with a good imagination, books can make you fly away to lands unknown with a joyful freedom of heart and soul!

Imagine yourself where you want to be. The beach in Hawaii? The Taj Majal? The Great Pyramids in Egypt? No matter where you long to go, if you read about it, you will have a greater feeling of being there than with video, though that may help. Simply think about not just how it would look to you, but how it would smell, sound, feel emotionally, and even feel physically when your feet hit the sand, or your hand touches a very old stone. It can become very real and truly turn into a “mini-vacation.”

Source by Debbie A. Johnson

Ways in Which Cosmetic Dental Surgery Is Useful

Cosmetic dental services do not just work to create beautiful smiles. They are important in correcting conditions that many patients struggle with. These conditions do not just alter the person’s appearance but also interfere with normal functions of the mouth. In such cases, patients are not just looking to improve their looks but also correct a problem they are struggling with.

That said, it is important to understand how cosmetic dental surgery is important for you.

Eases discomfort

Having an incorrect bite occurs when the teeth do not align together. It can also occur when you have missing teeth that you are yet to replace. Sometimes the teeth may not align in balance with the rest of the face. When this occurs, you will suffer from discomforts such as headaches and even neck pain. You may also suffer from pain in other parts of the body. Cosmetic surgery helps to rectify this by offering solutions that treat the underlying cause of the incorrect bite. You may have to get veneers for your teeth, braces or crowns fitted. The solutions will ease the discomfort that you may have been suffering from. This shows that cosmetic surgery can do more than just improve your looks.

Strengthens your teeth

The cosmetic dental procedures allow your teeth to be strong and therefore function better. When you have broken teeth, you will not chew properly and this may, therefore, lead to poor digestion. You may also not be able to feed well and you may end up malnourished. The solutions such as crowns, bridges, and veneers protect your existing teeth and at the same time reinforce the weak teeth, allowing them to serve their function well. Replacing the missing teeth also grants you better service from your teeth as the replacements will perform the function of the missing teeth. At the end of the day, you will not have replaced your teeth just to improve your smile but also to enable you to chew better and to give your face the required support.

Improves your appearance

The poor dental formula will alter the shape of your face. Teeth do so much more than just chew food. They help to define the jawline. They prevent sagging and other unattractive changes to your face. Replacing the missing teeth and correcting other issues that interfere with the shape of your face will improve your looks. Some procedures require the reconstruction of the mouth. Sometimes the correction needed is as minor as replacing one missing tooth. You will see the big difference it will make to your face. Cosmetic dental surgery will prevent stuck-out chins and drooping smiles. You will be glad that you went for the procedures.

Source by William Jam Smith

10 Famous Ways to Go on the Best Sightseeing Tours

Here are a few valuable points to assist you in planning the best sightseeing adventure. Time to tour! Almost every tourist destination has sightseeing potentials. It not only adds to the appeal of that place, but also provides quite an insight about the place. Counted amongst must do’s, here are 10 famous ways to go on the best sightseeing tours.

1. Consider a good tour operator who has a range of sightseeing tours catering to your needs and budget. Select the one, which best suits you.

2. Select a good guide who is well acquainted with the place and who can communicate well with you.

3. Select a clear day with mild weather so the visibility is clear and you can enjoy the tour.

4. Carry sun block as you may need it as most the sightseeing tours are outdoors.

5. In many places, one can see most of the sightseeing hot spots with a single pass. Get it in advance or ask your tour operator to arrange it.

6. Carry necessary accessories like binoculars, camera etc. with you.

7. Different places have different travel mode, which are great for sightseeing. Opt for the best mode for sightseeing.

8. At times, you may need multiple tickets for seeing different places. Ask your tour operator or your guide to arrange them before hand as to avoid unnecessary hassle and confusion.

9. If you are on a group sightseeing tour, know the time and place to assemble at the sightseeing places to make sure that you are not left out.

10. Try to avoid a group where there are too many people for sightseeing, as you may not get what the guide is explaining.

11. If there are elder people or kids with you, take special care for their needs. You can carry a folding chair for the elders in case they want to rest awhile. If you are taking children with you, keep them under supervision.

Source by Veron Ho