Vancouver Video Tours

What $640,000 gets you in Metrotown! (Vancouver/ Burnaby APARTMENT TOUR)

Outside of Downtown Vancouver, there are many areas/neighbourhoods where it is less expensive to live. Vancouver housing is a topic that comes up a TON so today we’re exploring Metrotown and touring an apartment in Burnaby, BC! 🏠If you’ve ever thought about living or renting in Burnaby, this gives you an idea of what’s available. Burnaby is roughly 25 minutes away from Vancouver is one of those areas that you will get more square footage for less money. So how far does your money go in an area like this? Let’s find out what you can buy for $640K (or rent) in this neighbourhood!

If you like apartment tours or want to learn more about living in Vancouver, BC, check out some of my other videos:

🏡 What $599,000 gets you in Kitsilano! (Vancouver APARTMENT TOUR)

🏡 Inside our $1.3 Million Dollar Vancouver Condo! | Millennial Money ish Luxury Apartment Tour👇🏼

💰💸 Living on $67K in Vancouver, BC | Millennial Money ish (2020)


#vancouverapartmenttour #Burnaby #millennialmoney

✔️You can find me on IG @harmoniev

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❓Got a question about real estate? Drop it in the comments or reach out to Josh at or shoot him a text at 604 313 9805⬅


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