Vancouver Video Tours

1 Day in Vancouver: The Tourist Experience

Vancouver Virgin or Wanderlust Vancouverite.. Who knew this city was so fun?? WE DID! Whether you came off a Cruise Ship or have a spare day from a conference, if all you have is 1 Day, that’s more than enough time to experience this world-class city.

Start this guide at the Convention Center and you’ll hit all the right spots 😉

7. Breakfast at Bellaggio Cafe (Convention Center)

You’re going to need a nice, hearty breakfast to keep yourself fuelled if you want to ensure you last…throughout the day that is. What better way to kick-off your Vancity adventure than with a cup of coffee, eggs, and a waterfront view?

6. Walk the Seawall

Once you have some food in your system, it’s time to get moving! Although the Stanley Park portion of the Seawall on average takes 2 ish hours to walk, you’ll only have to move your legs for about 20 minutes to where you’ll find the horse-drawn carriage tours, all while taking in scenic views of the World’s Best Park.

5. Horse-drawn Carriage Tour of Stanley Park

Alright, you’ve made it. You’ve survived the gruelling 20-minute walk from Bellaggio to the horse-drawn carriages. The tour is also 20 minutes, and is a great lesson of Stanley Park’s history and the surrounding areas! They also offer warm blankets to help beat the chill.

4. Lunch at Beach Bay Café

Post-horse drawn carriage tour, you’ll probably have built up a bit of an appetite. A quick, 10 minute walk up Denman street past shops and restaurants, will take you to Beach Bay Café where you can dine on locally sourced, fresh, and delicious west coast fare! With a sick view of English Bay, of course. Our recommendations? The West Coast oysters and the house cured salmon.

3. Water ferry to Granville Island

Once you’ve dined (and wined if you’re us) hop on the False Creek ferry and cruise on over to Granville Island!

2. Explore Granville Island

Granville Island, literally an island in the middle of Vancouver. GI (Yea, we just abbreviated it.) is the place to go for market delights (olives, and bread, and cheese, oh my!), buskers and live entertainment, and a rad view of the city! Lots of exploring to do!

1. Trolley Tour back to Hotel Land

Don’t worry, we’re not going to make you walk again. Unless you really want to. Time to go back to your room and put your feet up. But first, an informative and entertaining trolley tour spotlighting some Vancity gems!


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