This shows off the goofy and fun side of Queen B, holding her face and essentially just playing around. It is a pleasure to see her do this, and it was even better that she looked down at me quite a few times throughout! I think by this point she knew I was trying to film everything and not take pictures, so she decided to go with it and give a little something extra special! Regardless of whether she intended to or not, it did highlight the night even more and make it something I could never forget. I’m extremely happy that some of the video turned out well enough that although it isn’t perfect, it definitely can take me back to the moment and hopefully give others that weren’t able to experience it the feeling like they were there too.
This is Beyoncé & Jay-Z performing their song ‘Nice’ live at BC Place, Vancouver, BC on October 2nd, 2018, during the OTR II (On The Run II) Tour.
(All my concert footage I personally recorded and am only uploading to promote the artists in question. I am not doing it for monetary gain and claim no copyright on the content of the recordings. If you own the rights to the media used in the video and have a problem with it being uploaded on my channel, please contact me through YouTube, E-Mail, or Twitter.)